reviews Affiliate Email Swipes And Promo Material

To get the BEST results treat this automated webinar as you would any live webinar you promote.  The only difference is you are holding several sessions this week.  Promote the live event and then promote the replays for the highest conversions.



WaveBot Focused 

Tired Of Losing At Crypto.  Do This:- CryptoSwapProfits




✅ Tired Of Losing At Crypto.  Do This {!firstname_fix}

✅ Watch Him Make Profits in Real-Time {!firstname_fix}
✅ This Crypto Bot Profits In Bear Markets {!firstname_fix}
✅ 1% Daily Compounded.  This Is Crazy {!firstname_fix}
✅ New Crypto Bot Strategy That Doesn’t Lose {!firstname_fix}?
✅ Is This Your Crypto {!firstname_fix}?

✅ Smart Crypto Investors Do This {!firstname_fix}

✅ Only For Lazy Crypto Traders {!firstname_fix}
✅ A Crypto Bot The Only Wins {!firstname_fix}?

✅ Legal Crypto Loophole {!firstname_fix}
✅ The Secret Of Wavebot {!firstname_fix}?




A good friend of mine owns a research company and recently they discovered what they consider the “Ultimate Crypto Passive Income Strategy”.

It’s called “WaveBot”


WaveBot is a crypto trading strategy my friend developed that pulls in daily profit no matter if the markets are up or down.  Yes it even makes daily profits in Bear markets.


It’s brilliant and it goes against conventional thinking.  (Probably the reason it works so well!)

If you are looking for a simple crypto strategy that actually works in Bear or Bull markets you will want to check this out.

If you are the type of investor that likes to set up a strategy that runs on its own with very little babysitting you are going to love this.

In bearish markets they are seeing  around .5% to 1.25% daily returns and you can daily compound it if you want.

It’s a brilliant strategy and you will be one of the first groups to see it.


P.S.  If you know of anyone else who would like to see this training forward this email to them.  This event is going to be content-packed and you will get to see real results in action.




✅ A Crypto Cheat Code {!firstname_fix}





Are you tired of only losing at Crypto?  Do you wish there was a way that you could invest in crypto, make daily profits and not spend all day looking at charts or worrying about your capital?

If so, I've got a Cheat Code for you.

It’s called “WaveBot”


WaveBot is a crypto trading strategy my friend developed that pulls in daily profit no matter if the markets are up or down.  Yes it makes profits in Bear markets.

It’s a brilliant strategy and you will be one of the first to see it in action.

In fact on the webinar  my guest is going to show WaveBot making profits in real time.


P.S.  This will be worth your time.



✅ Earn 1 Dollar 500 Times A Day {!firstname_fix}




I’ve got something very special for you this week.



My good friend came up with a Crypto Bot strategy that pulls in about .5% to 1.25% daily.  A bot is a computer program that runs 24/7 and pulls in profits all day, every day.  Even when he is sleeping.

Let’s say you have $100 in the bot and it makes $1 a day.  $1 doesn’t sound too exciting right?

But what if your bot did this 500 times a day?

That’s $500 each and every day!

Now I’m not promising you can make $500 a day but you never know right? 

In fact on the webinar  my guest is going to show WaveBot making profits in real time.


P.S.  This will be worth your time.



✅ “Surfing The Waves” Crypto Bot Strategy {!firstname_fix}



I’ve got something very special for you this week.


Imagine you are the boss and you are sitting on the beach.  You give your worker a surfboard and tell him to go in the ocean and ride the next wave in.

30 minutes later the survey returns and hands you 50 cents and then heads back out to get more.  10 minutes later he comes back and hands you a buck and then 2 hours later he does it again and brings back 75 cents.

Now imagine you had 500 surfers like this doing the same thing and they were doing it 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and even on holidays.

That is exactly what my friend has developed in Crypto and it’s called WaveBot.

I’m holding a few special sessions this week where we are going to show you this bot in detail and my special guest is going to make profits in real time!

P.S.  Out of any webinar you attend this year,  make sure you attend this one!


✅ The 1K A Day Crypto Loophole Revealed {!firstname_fix}

✅ Emergency Crypto Meeting {!firstname_fix}
✅ New Crypto Training This Week {!firstname_fix}

✅ Legal Crypto Loophole {!firstname_fix}
✅ Is This Your Crypto {!firstname_fix}?



A good friend of mine owns a research company and recently they discovered what they call “A Crypto Loophole”


With this loophole, you can profit no matter if the markets are going up or down.


It’s brilliant.


The other day he and I were on a Zoom call and while we were talking I watched him make a quick $400 profit.


In fact, he recently recorded a demo and showed how he turned $100 into $1,499.44 and he showed how he easily could have scaled that out to over 12K in 3 hours.


I know it totally sounds crazy right?


I asked my friend to hold a special training for us this week and show us this Loophole plus a whole lot more.



This is going to be content-packed training.  Not only is he going to show us this Loophole but he is going to teach 7 other ways anyone can profit with crypto even if they are brand new.


Take a moment to register right now and plan to show up early.



P.S.  If you know of anyone else who would like to see this training forward this email to them.  This event is going to be content-packed and you will get to see real results in action.






✅ How Randell Turns $250 Into $1,500 Each Day {!firstname_fix}




I’ve invited my good friend who owns a crypto research company to share a very special training this week.

“Window Of Opportunity - 7 Ways To Make Money With Crypto Even If You Are Brand New"


Plus A Bonus 8th "Instant Money Loophole" Strategy You Can Start Today.

Recently Randel attended this free training and then sent in this email:

"I have been trading the 7.5 chart since the 25th.... took my account from 0.6 to 3.5 BNB I put my results on the spreadsheet that Neal shared. I find as long as I am patient and wait for the confirmation.... I am successful!! And it was with real money!! Right now I'm sitting at 722.66% ROI...." - Randell Anderson


I know some of that lingo may be new to some of you but basically, Randel turned $250 into $1,500 in one day and now he has learned this “Loophole” so he can do this every single day if he wants to.



P.S.  These windows don’t last forever so make sure you register for a session right now and show up early.





✅ The 1K A Day Crypto Loophole Revealed {!firstname_fix}

✅ Emergency Crypto Meeting {!firstname_fix}
✅ New Crypto Training This Week {!firstname_fix}

✅ Legal Crypto Loophole {!firstname_fix}
✅ Is This Your Crypto {!firstname_fix}?




I hope you take the time to check it out because the feedback has been simply amazing.


On the training, you will learn about the..

“Window Of Opportunity - 7 Ways To Make Money With Crypto Even If You Are Brand New"


Plus A Bonus 8th "Instant Money Loophole" Strategy You Can Start Today.


If you have been looking for some solid education and someone who is going to teach you the “Insider” secrets make sure you grab your spot today.





P.S.  This isn’t your regular “Buy low, sell high” kind of training.  This is different.  It will be worth your time to attend.





✅ Watch Him Turn $100 Into $1,500 And Then Into 12K




Not only does my special guest teach 7 ways to make money with crypto even if you are brand new but he has a “Loophole” strategy where he demonstrates how to turn $100 into $1,500 and then shows you how to scale that to 12K


And get this.  He did it in less than 3 hours.


Check it out yourself.


I’m not sure how long this window or this loophole will last so don’t delay.



P.S.  This is the real deal.  I know sometimes we hear of loopholes like this but it’s always for “Other” people, right?

Not this time.  I could be for you.



✅ The Next Bitcoin FIRSTNAME?




Everyone has been talking about the “Loophole” strategy my special guest shared during our training this week.


The funny thing is this is just a bonus strategy he teaches.  He teaches 7 specific strategies including how to get in early to potentially profitable crypto projects way before they ever find their way onto exchanges like Coinbase.


For example, Logan who attended this free training turned 101 Bucks into 49K.

I know it sounds crazy but when you learn how the project starts it makes perfect sense.


You can still check out the training




P.S.  Again my guest teaches 7 strategies plus a loophole.  This is worth checking out.





I have something very special for you.


It's brand new.  Besides a small beta group, you will be the first to see it on a very special training we are holding this week.


“Window Of Opportunity - 7 Ways To Make Money With Crypto Even If You Are Brand New"

Plus A Bonus 8th "Instant Money Loophole" Strategy You Can Start Today.



For over 19 years my special guest has specialized in finding these “Windows of Opportunity” and this week he is going to teach these 7 specific Crypto profit methods that yes even newbies can do.

In fact, Logan recently attended this free training and soon after turned $101 into 49K.

I know that number is hard to believe but if you attend the training this week you are going to learn exactly how he did it.

It’s pretty brilliant really and after you see it you will be wondering why you didn’t think of this!


Now that’s just one of the 7 methods.  Grab your spot right now and learn all of them:



P.S. Each week my guest holds a random drawing where he gives away Bitcoin.  He usually gives away $500 each week!  Sometimes a few times each week and all you have to do is attend one time and you have a chance each week to win.


✅ Newbie Turns $580 Into 38K FIRSTNAME




Did you register for one of the sessions yet?

“Window Of Opportunity - 7 Ways To Make Money With Crypto Even If You Are Brand New"

Plus A Bonus 8th "Instant Money Loophole" Strategy You Can Start Today.


I hope so because my special guest is going to show how recently several people attended this exact training and then turned $580 into 38K with just one of his 7 crypto methods.

If you want to learn exactly how my special guest does this, and how regular everyday Newbies are having success with crypto make sure you show up ready to take notes.


P.S. You know how you see those "Windows Of Opportunity"?  This is one of those times.  See you on the training!


Each week my guest holds a random drawing where he gives away Bitcoin.  He usually gives away $500 each week!  Sometimes a few times each week and all you have to do is attend one time and you have a chance each week to win.







✅ Is This Your Bitcoin FIRSTNAME?



We still have a few sessions left this week.  Did you register yet?

“Window Of Opportunity - 7 Ways To Make Money With Crypto Even If You Are Brand New" 

Plus A Bonus 8th "Instant Money Loophole" Strategy You Can Start Today.



Each week my special guest gives away $500 in Bitcoin to people that attend his training.  In fact, all you have to do is attend one time and you have a chance to win each and every week!

Now winning Bitcoin is fun but the main reason you should attend this training is it is simply worth your time.

If you are at all curious about learning how to profit with crypto you will want to attend one of the sessions this week before it’s too late.



P.S. This is the real deal.  The 7 methods that my guest is teaching are cutting edge.  It’s not the “Regular” crypto stuff you see around.  These methods just plain work.



✅1K Would Be 13M Today.  This is CRAZY FIRSTNAME


10 years ago if you had invested $1,000 in Bitcoin it would be worth over 13 Million today.

That’s CRAZY, right?

Did you miss out on the “Window Of Opportunity?”

If you did, you for sure want to attend one of the last training sessions we are holding this week:


“Window Of Opportunity - 7 Ways To Make Money With Crypto Even If You Are Brand New"

Plus A Bonus 8th "Instant Money Loophole" Strategy You Can Start Today.



If you missed out on Bitcoin when it first launched don’t miss out on the next crypto opportunities!


To Your Success!



P.S. Each week my guest holds a random drawing where he gives away Bitcoin.  He usually gives away $500 each week!  Sometimes a few times each week and all you have to do is attend one time and you have a chance each week to win.






✅ 100 Bucks to 10K Again FIRSTNAME


Recently my special guest did a SWAP ALERT on a new crypto that just launched.  If you had paid attention to this alert you would have done a 100x in 5 hours!

That means turning $100 into 10K or even turning $1,000 into $100,000.

I know it sounds crazy, right?


These things are actually happening almost daily and if you are not paying attention right now you may end up missing it all and reading about it years later.

Last call to register for one of the last sessions this week:


“Window Of Opportunity - 7 Ways To Make Money With Crypto Even If You Are Brand New"

Plus A Bonus 8th "Instant Money Loophole" Strategy You Can Start Today.




P.S. Each week my guest holds a random drawing where he gives away Bitcoin.  He usually gives away $500 each week!  Sometimes a few times each week and all you have to do is attend one time and you have a chance each week to win.





✅ Replay Online FIRSTNAME



Good news!

We just posted a replay of the training we held this week...but it’s not going to be up for long!


“Window Of Opportunity - 7 Ways To Make Money With Crypto Even If You Are Brand New"

Plus A Bonus 8th "Instant Money Loophole" Strategy You Can Start Today.



To Your Success!



P.S. If You are curious about how to specifically profit with crypto make sure you watch this replay today.




✅ Sorry About That FIRSTNAME



I’m sorry if you missed the training this week where my special guest shared his 7 profitable crypto strategies.




You can still watch the replay but only for a limited time!



This is the same system that...


+ Jay turned 4K into 121K

+ Remo turned $50 into $3,000

+ Vamsi turned $36 into over 100K

+ Jared turned $450 into 9K and then to 21K


I know a lot of people are not going to believe it and that's fine.  They are going to miss out.


I really hope you don't miss out.  You know there is a good chance a few years from now when you see everyone around you doing this you may say...


"Dang!  I wish I would have paid attention!"




You are doing the "Happy Dance"!



To Your Success!



P.S. On the webinar, my guest teaches you all the details.  You can actually go out and make money doing this right after the webinar.






✅ 6 Figures In 2 Months FIRSTNAME





My special guest recently received this message from a student that attended this training:


"My portfolio has skyrocketed to well over 6 figures...when I joined the program I was in the red big time ...always heard of people making it but I never truly believed I could ... It's just weird lol not even sure how I can explain it."


If you haven't checked out what they are doing this is the time to check the training before it’s to late:


“Window Of Opportunity - 7 Ways To Make Money With Crypto Even If You Are Brand New"

Plus A Bonus 8th "Instant Money Loophole" Strategy You Can Start Today.




P.S. This just plain works.  No matter what your skill level is you can do this.



✅ Like Printing Money FIRSTNAME



The replay expires soon.


Have you watched it yet?



I know I have thrown around some pretty big numbers in my emails and a lot of people doubt it could actually be true.

Well once you learn what my special guest is doing it will make sense.

Or you can keep doubting and that’s perfectly fine.

We are just going to profit with you or without you.  We would rather do it with you though so check it out today!


There are already new Mastermind members who joined us this week making money already!



P.S. Last chance before we close this down.  Watch it today!


✅ Finally Success FIRSTNAME!




Are you ready to have success online?  I’m talking about finally making this whole online “Thing” work for you and your family.

Watch the replay today and take action.



My special guest has been training regular folks all over the world how to have success online and these 7 crypto strategies have resulted in the MOST and FASTEST success he has ever seen.

Watch the replay.  Read the stories and take action if you are ready to have success!


To Your Success!



P.S. This is something regular people can do.


✅ Goodbye FIRSTNAME!



This is it.  The replay is expiring soon.  This is your last chance to watch it before it’s gone.




Will you let me know your thoughts after you check it out?


To Your Success!



P.S. Congrats to those of you who have already taken action!




✅ We caught a thief {!firstname_fix}


We caught a Thief red-handed and I think you know him well.




Watch My Training To Learn How To Beat This Thief


Have you noticed how prices of everything have gone WAY up but wages have not?


Inflation is the Thief that is stealing from you and making life hard for everyone.


If you ignore this Thief it's only going to get worse.


There is a solution to inflation and you have to take matters into your own hands.


Make more money and invest in assets that increase faster than inflation.


One of those assets that are increasing faster than inflation is crypto.


Have you watched the training yet?  This can help you do the two things you need to beat inflation.





To Your Success!



P.S.  Don't pass on this as 4 years from now you will look back and probably kick yourself for not putting some attention into this.


✅ Your Crypto {!firstname_fix}?


Hi {!firstname_fix}


... it just as well could be if you watch the new training and learn about the new loophole strategy that anyone can do it make instant crypto gains... even if you are brand new.




This loophole is just one of the crypto strategies my special guest  teachs.  There are 7 others and if you want to see what works in up or down markets you will want to watch it today.

To Your Success!




P.S.  Don't pass on this as 4 years from now you will look back and probably kick yourself for not putting some attention into this.



✅ Legal Loophole That Prints Money {!firstname_fix}




This weekend we are holding a few more sessions teaching a new Legal crypto loophole strategy that pretty much prints money on demand.  Take a moment to register if you haven't already.



I know it sounds like super hype but one of the things my special guest has been really good at for over 20 years is identifying these types of loopholes.


This method works when crypto markets are up and crypto markets are down.  It doesn't matter.  It's a loophole.


It just may be one of the best strategies we have ever discovered.


One of his beta users made 83K last month with this loophole.


To Your Success!



P.S.  It will be worth your time to check it out.




✅ Emergency Crypto Meeting {!firstname_fix}


Super important!  Did you watch this yet?


“Window Of Opportunity - 7 Ways To Make Money With Crypto Even If You Are Brand New"  Plus A Bonus 8th "Instant Money Loophole" Strategy You Can Start Today.




The reason I've been inviting you to watch the replay of this new crypto training is because right now is the BEST time to get started in Crypto.




You see most people don't understand how making money in crypto works.  They only want to buy when everything is "Green" and usually at the top.


They don't realize that the BEST time to invest in Crypto is when the market has a huge correction.  Everything is in the red, the fear is higher and all the "Paper Hands" are selling.


That's when YOU buy.


You see you have to retrain your brain. Buy when everyone else is selling.


There is a saying...


"Bull markets make profits, Bear markets make fortunes."


Right now we are in a big correction so if you understand any of what I just said you will go watch my replay and take this seriously.  (And take some action!)


It doesn't matter if you are brand new or you have some experience you are going to want to watch this.



To Your Success!





P.S.  Don't miss the window!  This is a great time to get in before the window closes.


